Friday, 9 September 2011

Counting down the days..

Howdy folks Im starting university in a week :) how exciting! Im trying to convince my mum and dad that I NEED clothes for uni but its not quite working..( i still have time). So this week ive just been trying to catch up with friends, its funny ive had texts from people I haven't seen in months because they know im going to uni, so to clear the conscience they will come and see me before I go.. LOL anyways I went to pizza hut with my two work friends and it was FREEZING !! I cant believe how cold it was outside.. I needed to wear my coat. Anyways this is just a little outfit post.
I had on my black peter pan dress with the leopard print collar with my beloved Chelsea boots, my bag is from primark:). Please excuse the awful pictures and the white legs. I have a new camera and I cant figure out the flash features on it. so it makes everything yellow.. anyone know how to fix it ? haha Always love Sammy xx


  1. awww how exciting going to uni!! im back to uni sunday and i need to new clothes too but so no pennys i cant wait for loan wooooo splash out on alot of things :):)


  2. youll have so much fun at uni x

  3. Hey, love your blog dear :D!

    newest follower :3

    Effy <3.
